10 Benefits of Copper Tubing for Quality Water Supply

Copper Water Tubing

When it comes to renovating a house, few people pay attention to the quality of the water supply. However, the water quality can significantly impact our health. A biological study has shown that in economically underdeveloped areas, the water quality delivered to residents’ homes through the pipeline system is contaminated and not suitable for direct consumption. This highlights the importance of pipelines in our daily drinking water. More than 99% of bacteria in tap water disappear within five hours after entering copper pipes.

The market prospects for copper water pipes are extremely promising, especially in Asia-pacific. The market for copper water pipes is growing rapidly, with an annual growth rate of 100%. Moreover, there is a significant surge in exports. Therefore, the market potential for copper water pipes is vast.

Advantage 1

Looking at the price of copper water pipes, many plastic pipes on the market are cheaper than copper pipes. Is it not cost-effective to use copper pipes? Let’s take a example of a typical urban residence with one kitchen and two bathrooms (around 130 square meters) for renovation. The cost of using copper pipes for both cold and hot water pipes is only around $1700 dollars. Compared to the overall renovation cost of ten thousands dollars, this additional expense is relatively small. Many users perceive copper pipes as expensive based solely on their initial impression, without carefully verifying the specific project requirements.

Nowadays, copper water pipes are produced using thin-walled tube drawing technology, which has become increasingly cost-effective in terms of weight, production costs, and ease of transportation and installation. This is one of the reasons why copper pipes are widely preferred throughout the world. Therefore, in terms of cost-effectiveness, installing copper water pipes in kitchens and bathrooms provides excellent value for money.

Advantage 2

Copper water pipes have strong corrosion resistance. Ancient Egyptians may have been the first to discover the corrosion pits in copper and used it for water distribution systems. In fact, modern scientists have proven that copper water pipes installed in buildings 70 years ago have less than 1% corrosion after 70 years.

Advantage 3

Copper tubing are environmentally friendly. Unlike non-degradable and non-recyclable chemical pipes, copper pipes and fittings can be 100% recycled, with low energy consumption during the recycling process.

Advantage 4

Copper is a technologically advanced material, and copper processing technology is rapidly advancing. The thin-walled copper pipes we currently use are an example of this advancement. The wall thickness of the produced pipes can be as thin as 0.35 millimeters, and they are seamless. Combined with copper’s excellent corrosion resistance, it is the ideal choice for water supply, gas, and heating applications. Other metal pipes on the market are typically welded with seams, highlighting the superiority of copper pipes in this regard.

Advantage 5

The relationship between copper and the environment has long been recognized as a valuable natural resource by humans. Its positive impact on environmental protection and ecological balance is increasingly recognized based on long-term human production and life experience, as well as recent scientific research findings.

Advantage 6

Copper has an unseen connection to our blood. Our blood contains numerous red blood cells that continuously transport oxygen. The red pigment in red blood cells contains iron and copper. Copper helps iron carry out its oxygen transport task. The copper content in normal blood should not be ignored. In our daily diet, it is normal to intake and excrete 2-5 mg of copper, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood.

Advantage 7

Copper possesses strong antibacterial properties. There is a story called “The Copper Kettle That Didn’t Stink for Three Weeks,” which illustrates the antimicrobial properties of copper. Even after many years, water stored in copper containers does not develop an unpleasant odor. In 1893, a Swiss botanist discovered that a small amount of copper ions could lead to the extinction of algae (sponges). He mixed a small amount of copper ions with water and observed the bactericidal ability of copper ions. The astonishing bactericidal effect of copper has been widely confirmed. The latest experimental results in China show that copper has a significant inhibitory effect on coronaviruses such as SARS. More and more hospitals are now using copper water pipes and oxygen delivery pipes.

Advantage 8

Copper water pipes have inherent antibacterial properties. In experiments comparing the antibacterial properties of different pipe materials using Escherichia coli as the test subject, copper water pipes demonstrated superior antibacterial effectiveness. For example, when a bacterial solution is injected into a copper water pipe, E. coli is eradicated within five hours. However, the results of experiments with other pipe materials were the opposite. Therefore, copper water pipes exhibit exceptional antibacterial properties.

Advantage 9

Copper pipes have excellent corrosion resistance, even when buried underground. Copper’s corrosion resistance, impermeability, and non-flammability ensure its durability, reliability, and long-term cost-effectiveness. Indoors, while copper and copper alloys may darken over time, they do not rust. This important characteristic makes copper commonly used in water pipes, gas pipes, faucets, and electrical wires.

Advantage 10

The formation of copper patina is non-toxic. In order to obtain accurate results, the Japan Copper Development Center collaborated with the University of Tokyo School of Medicine in a three-year study. In August of the 59th year of the Showa period (1984), they published a report titled “Copper Rust is a Harmless Substance,” which clarified misconceptions about the toxicity of copper rust.


Copper tubing for water supply offers numerous benefits that contribute to both human health and environmental sustainability. Its ability to ensure water quality, resist corrosion, and exhibit antibacterial properties make it a reliable and efficient choice for residential and commercial applications. With its remarkable advantages, copper tubing emerges as a superior option for ensuring clean and safe water supply. Embracing copper tubing not only enhances our daily lives but also promotes a greener future.

Consider the many advantages of copper tubing when planning your next water supply system, and enjoy the lasting benefits it provides.

We are your trusted partner in China for high-quality copper tubing solutions. We offer an extensive range of durable and corrosion-resistant copper pipe & tubing for refrigeration and air conditioning and other various industries, including pancake coils, straight length copper pipe, capillary copper tube, inner grooved copper tubing, level wound coil, insulated tube set, copper fittings and so on. Contact us today to discover how we can meet your specific project requirements.

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